
Together is a 3-star onchain NFT collection exploring the creation of art as a collective.
We create this art, together.
0.01 ETH per NFT | 0 minted of 1000

Allowlist Phase

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Art made by a collective

How does Together work?

Together starts with a single point and, through each minted NFT, expands to a swirl of colors. Every Together NFT is built on the art of all previously minted NFTs plus one new generatively colored line. The art of your NFT is contained in all of the NFTs minted after yours. All of the minters generate this collection, together.

Paint your Together

Paint your Together with any of your XXYYZZ NFTs to add a little flair to your piece.

Created together

Together was designed by Aspyn who envisions a world where we can come together for shared artistic experiences on Ethereum, full of colors and whatever can be created from them. The art you see in the Together collection was generated by all who minted Together NFTs 🖤